November 12, 2010

Graduation Postponed...

And it bites, for real. I have only 4 classes to take.. well possibly five, I'm do so hot in Data Structures, which postpones my graduation end of Fall 2011. Sigh, I really wanted to graduate on time, but that is unlikely since the very last two classes that I will have to take after the Spring is only offered in the Fall from the looks of it.

I so really want to take a break from school, but I'm so close to finishing. If I didn't have to take Data Structures, it would be all good. I know for sure this isn't something that I would like to get into, or at least what the classes being offered, CIS doesn't really sound interesting. Oh well, I'll have to chalk it upon and keep pushing forward. On a good note though, registration for Spring will be open starting this coming Sunday and I am excited in registering for Graphic Design. There is only 12 spaces and I am determine to make sure I be online to register that class first to get in. I loved graphic designing, especially doing it by computer, when I went to college right after high school, that was my major. Sometimes I wish I should have just picked up where I left off on there, but any who, it will give me a bit of a break from thinking too hard I guess on computer systems.. lol.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Thank you for the advice on the layout...will check it out when I get home today. Also, I think you will love taking graphic designe..thats what I was taking and was lovin it. I only had few classes left,except algebra, and I would have big time...but still plan on using the skills I learned while taking my graphics classses..have a great day:)